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School House System and Mentoring System

Student mentoring system (SMS)– Mentoring is a unique method of supporting students to improve their learning and leadership skills, motivating them towards their future career development. With this in mind, the college has a mentorship programme wherein the faculty members are given training on mentor system and meet the students on day-to-day basis to listen to their issues and guide them on their overall personality development. Mentors are student centric teachers-friends-guides who help young learners in their transitory phases and challenging academic times. Mentoring programme has been introduced for obtaining realistic assessment of the learner’s performance and for providing inclusive spaces for academic growth and skillful development of the student’s community. Our faculty mentors offer their guidance, knowledge, experience and expertise in promoting their mentees overall development. Mentoring is a loyal, sincere and confidential partnership between mentor and student mentee. Our faculty mentors and special mentors serve as reliable guides- like a parent as well as a teacher, throughout their institutional learning.
Coordinator: Mr. Ashok Kumar Mandal 
Co-Coordinator : Mr. Dawarika Prasad
 All Mentors
Grade 1 to 4 – Mentoring System
A mentoring system for students in grades 1 to 4 offers invaluable support and guidance during their formative years. By pairing experienced mentors with young learners, this system fosters a nurturing environment for academic and personal growth. Through regular interactions and encouragement, students develop confidence, essential skills, and a positive attitude towards learning.
Grade 5 onwards – House System
The house system for students from grade 5 onwards enhances camaraderie and healthy competition within the school community. Dividing students into houses fosters teamwork, leadership, and a sense of belonging. Through various inter-house activities and events, students develop character, social skills, and a strong school spirit.