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 "School council" means all kinds of school-based groups run by students,  including student forums and youth parliaments. They help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children’s learning and development, such as organising charity events, representing the school at outside events or ensuring the school is environmentally friendly. School councils are usually elected annually by the other children. A school council does a number of things:
  • A school council usually meets with a teacher present to discuss and sort out problems. These could include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
  • Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed upon, such as planning discos, writing newspaper articles, or meeting with catering staff.
  • Each year, every class will normally elect two representatives to be members of the school council. The council will then meet to elect officers such as Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 
Why should have a school council?

Student councils are a great way for students to take on leadership rolespromote the voice of the student body, problem solve and impact their community. A council serves as the voice for an entire student body and actively works with teachers and advisors to promote a better learning environment.
Within the school curriculum, one of the key areas making up the ‘Learning for Life and Work’ theme is active participation. The curriculum requires that young people are provided with opportunities to participate in school and society. School councils are an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.
  • School  diary  is to be brought to school daily without fail.
  • Students should come to school in complete school uniform, on all school days ( including PTM).
  • Punctuality a must and late comers will be suitably checked with corrective measures.
  • No mobile phone is to be brought to school for what so ever reason. The set will be confiscated and very strict action will be taken against the user.The set will be returned only at the end of the  session .
  • Students are discouraged to come to school by private vans using gas kits or over loaded.
  • 85 % attendance is a must for every student.
  • A pupil who uses unfair means during examinations will be given zero in the subject and repetition of the same shall lead to dismissal.
  • Parents / guardians can meet the principal in her office from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. on all school working days.
  • Parents / guardians should meet teachers only on PTM or with appointment in special cases.
  • It is compulsory for all students to participate in sports, games and co-curricular  activities of the school .
  • In case of accidents, school will provide only first aid; other related expenses will be borne by Parents / guardians.
  • Houses are allocated to students at the time of admission and can’t be changed. The students will have the same house throughout his/her tenure at school.
      Student Council
      School Captain _ Neha Kumari
      Sports Captain _ Khushboo  Kumari
      Editor-in-Chief _ Kumkum Kumari


       Ruby House  Captain  _ Indu Kumari
       Ruby Vice- Captain _ Arti Kumari

       Sapphire Captain _ Manju Kumari
       Sapphire Vice- Captain   _ Dhoni Paswan

       Topaz Captain _ Pinki Kumari
       Topaz Vice Captain _ Kunti Kumari

       Emerald Captain  _ Akarsh Kumar
       Emerald Vice Captain _ Sakshi Kumari

Girls with long hair – Green and white ribbon for two plaits.
Girls with short hair – Green and white hair belt.